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7 langkah untuk menghilangkan lemak perut.
Temukan cara sederhana untuk melenyapkan lemak perut berikut ini.
Jika kamu telah sekian lama berjuang untuk mengendalikan lingkar pinggang, jangan khawatir banyak kok yang senasib dengan kamu.
Banyak orang yang tidak memahami mengapa mereka bertubuh gemuk atau apa yang dapat mereka lakukan untuk mengatasinya.
Untuk kamu yang telah siap, maka segera jalankan 7 langkah sederhana untuk melenyapkan lemak perut berikut ini :
1. Hal pertama yang harus dipahami adalah perut (buncit) terbentuk di dapur, bukan di tempat olahraga. Berhentilah menipu diri sendiri dengan meyakini bahwa hanya dengan melakukan lebih banyak sit up atau crunch maka kamu akan mendapatkan perut yang rata dan six pack.
Jika kamu ingin menghilangkan lemak perut, maka gantilah kebiasaanmu. Tidak ada yang namanya pengurangan lemak dengan seketika, kecuali dengan sedot lemak.
2. Diet, diet, diet. Paham? Bukan berarti kamu harus menjadi anggota weight watcher atau mencoba cara diet Atkins. Lemak perut dapat dilenyapkan dengan mengatur bagaimana, apa, dan kapan kamu makan. Kamu akan mendapat perut sixpack dengan cara belajar untuk makan dengan benar, bukan dengan Diet Fad dan Pil diet ajaib.
3. Junk food. Kita semua memakannya, begitupula dengan saya, bedanya adalah orang-orang berperut sixpack itu paham betul ada waktu tertentu di dalam dietnya untuk memakan kesenangan itu. Artinya, jangan lagi ada pencuci mulut yang terlalu malam, jangan ada lagi kudapan yg berkadar gula atau lemak tinggi, dan jangan ada lagi Mc Donalds. Kamu ingin perut buncit atau pinggang yang ramping?
Pilihlah satu hari dalam seminggu untuk menikmati makanan kesukaanmu dan jangan berlebihan. Temukan beberapa alternatif lain untuk mengatasi rasa ketagihan tersebut. Cobalah puding tanpa gula atau saus apel tanpa gula tambahan. Bila kamu ingin menghilangkan lemak perut, maka kamu harus rela kehilangan hal-hal yang membuat lemak itu bertahan di sana.
4. Makan 5-6 kali per hari. Apakah saya mengatakan untuk makan lebih banyak? Tidak, kamu hanya harus makan lebih sering. Jangan lagi melewatkan sarapan, jangan lagi beraktifitas sepanjang hari tanpa makan, jangan lagi membuat diri kamu kelaparan. Hal-hal tersebut hanya akan membuat lemak perutmu tetap bertahan. Satu-satunya jalan untuk melenyapkan lemak perut adalah dengan meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh dan membakar kalori lebih banyak dibandingkan kalori yang dikonsumsi.
5. Mulailah makan dengan lebih sehat. Apakah kamu ingin mendapat serangan jantung di usia 47 tahun? (Jika tidak) maka perlakukan tubuhmu dengan baik. Ingat kalimat "kamu adalah apa yang kamu makan". Jadi bila kamu ingin kurus seperti wortel..., nah kamu sudah paham kan.
Makanlah makanan seimbang dengan kadar Glycemic carbs yang rendah (tanpa gula dan tepung). Tingkatkan serat dan lemak sehat (omega 3) dalam dietmu. Makanan terakhirmu setiap harinya haruslah selalu ringan. Makanlah salad dedaunan dengan dressing vinaigrette dengan beberapa daging yang kurus.
Hal ini berlawanan dengan apa yg pernah disampaikan bahwa boleh makan di malam hari. Masalahnya adalah kebanyakan orang merasa sangat lapar sehingga kemudian makan berlebihan. Makan berlebihan saat larut malam adalah salah satu penyebab banyak sekali orang bermasalah dengan lemak perut.
6. Berhentilah minum air gula. Pernahkah kamu berpikir soda itu apa? Soda adalah air gula yang telah diolah secara kimiawi. Terdengar enak saat dijelaskan seperti itu kan? Tinggalkan soda. Bila kamu tidak dapat hidup tanpa soda, setidaknya minumlah air tanpa gula yang diolah secara kimiawi.
Lagi-lagi, segala macam gula hanya akan menyebabkan munculnya lemak perut.
Kamu khususnya perlu untuk minum banyak air sebelum makan untuk membantu mendatangkan rasa cepat kenyang. Mulailah minum teh hijau, sifatnya yang mampu membakar lemak sudah dikenal luas, jadi minumlah.
7. Alirkan darah kamu.
Apakah kamu sejujurnya berpikir bahwa hanya dengan menyaksikan acara "The Biggest Loser" akan dapat melenyapkan lemak perut? (Jika iya) maka hal itu tentulah suatu teknologi tinggi terbaru osmosis HDTV.
Jika kamu sungguh-sungguh ingin tahu bagaimana melenyapkan lemak perut, maka kamu harus mengangkat pantatmu dari sofa dan bakarlah sejumlah kalori. Lemak perut tersebut tidak akan menghilang dengan sendirinya, maka buanglah ia di suatu tempat.
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How to Lose Belly Fat (7 Steps)
Discover how to lose belly fat with these simple steps.
If you've been struggling to get your waistline under control, don't worry you're not alone. Many people all over don't understand why they are fat or what they can do about it.
For those of you that are ready then follow these 7 simple steps on how to lose belly fat.
1. First thing you need to understand is that abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Stop fooling yourself into believing that if you just do more sit-ups or crunches that you will somehow get a flat stomach and 6 pack abs.
If you want to lose the belly fat, you have to change your habits. There is no such thing as spot reducing fat, well except for liposuction.
2. Diet, diet, diet. Did you get that? No I don't mean go join weight watchers or try the atkins' diet. It's how, what, and when you eat that will get rid of that fat belly. Fad diets and miracle diet pills won't give you a flat stomach but learning to eat right will.
3. Junk food. We all eat it, even me, the difference is that people who have flat stomachs know that there is a time in your diet for those indulgences. That means no more late night desserts, no high sugar/high fat snacks, and no more McDonalds. Do you want a fat belly or a nice waist line?
Pick one day a week that you treat yourself with your favorite food and don't go overboard. Find some alternatives that will help keep away those cravings. Try some sugar free pudding or no added sugar apple sauce. If you want to lose belly fat you need to give up the things that keep it there.
4. Eat 5-6 meals a day. Did I say eat more food? No, you need to eat more frequently. No more skipping breakfast, no more going all day without eating, no more starving yourself. All of these things keep your belly fat. The only way you will lose that fat belly is by speeding up your metabolism and burn more calories than you consume.
5. Start eating healthier. Do you want to have a heart attack at 47? Then treat your body right. Remember the saying we are what we eat. So if you want to be skinny like a carrot...well you get it.
Eat balanced meals with low glycemic carbs (no sugar and starches). Increase how much fiber you eat and healthy fats (omega 3s) in your diet. Your last meal of the day should be light. Eat a leafy salad with a low calorie vinaigrette and some lean meat. Contrary to what you've been told it's OK to eat at night. Problem is most people are starving and over eat. Over eating late at night is why so many people have a problem with belly fat.
6. Stop drinking sugar water. You ever stop to think about what soda is? It's chemically treated sugar water. Sounds delicious when I put it that way right? Lose the soda. If you can't live without soda then at least switch to the chemically treated water minus the sugar. Again all that sugar just leads to a fat belly.
You especially need to start drinking more water before you eat to help fill you up. Start drinking green tea, its fat burning properties are well known, so drink up.
7. Get that blood flowing. Do you honestly think that watching the biggest loser will some how get rid of that fat belly? Must be some new high tech HDTV osmosis thing. If you really want to know how to lose belly fat then you need to get your butt off the couch and burn some calories. That fat belly won't get lost by itself so go lose it somewhere.
If you've been struggling to get your waistline under control, don't worry you're not alone. Many people all over don't understand why they are fat or what they can do about it.
For those of you that are ready then follow these 7 simple steps on how to lose belly fat.
1. First thing you need to understand is that abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Stop fooling yourself into believing that if you just do more sit-ups or crunches that you will somehow get a flat stomach and 6 pack abs.
If you want to lose the belly fat, you have to change your habits. There is no such thing as spot reducing fat, well except for liposuction.
2. Diet, diet, diet. Did you get that? No I don't mean go join weight watchers or try the atkins' diet. It's how, what, and when you eat that will get rid of that fat belly. Fad diets and miracle diet pills won't give you a flat stomach but learning to eat right will.
3. Junk food. We all eat it, even me, the difference is that people who have flat stomachs know that there is a time in your diet for those indulgences. That means no more late night desserts, no high sugar/high fat snacks, and no more McDonalds. Do you want a fat belly or a nice waist line?
Pick one day a week that you treat yourself with your favorite food and don't go overboard. Find some alternatives that will help keep away those cravings. Try some sugar free pudding or no added sugar apple sauce. If you want to lose belly fat you need to give up the things that keep it there.
4. Eat 5-6 meals a day. Did I say eat more food? No, you need to eat more frequently. No more skipping breakfast, no more going all day without eating, no more starving yourself. All of these things keep your belly fat. The only way you will lose that fat belly is by speeding up your metabolism and burn more calories than you consume.
5. Start eating healthier. Do you want to have a heart attack at 47? Then treat your body right. Remember the saying we are what we eat. So if you want to be skinny like a carrot...well you get it.
Eat balanced meals with low glycemic carbs (no sugar and starches). Increase how much fiber you eat and healthy fats (omega 3s) in your diet. Your last meal of the day should be light. Eat a leafy salad with a low calorie vinaigrette and some lean meat. Contrary to what you've been told it's OK to eat at night. Problem is most people are starving and over eat. Over eating late at night is why so many people have a problem with belly fat.
6. Stop drinking sugar water. You ever stop to think about what soda is? It's chemically treated sugar water. Sounds delicious when I put it that way right? Lose the soda. If you can't live without soda then at least switch to the chemically treated water minus the sugar. Again all that sugar just leads to a fat belly.
You especially need to start drinking more water before you eat to help fill you up. Start drinking green tea, its fat burning properties are well known, so drink up.
7. Get that blood flowing. Do you honestly think that watching the biggest loser will some how get rid of that fat belly? Must be some new high tech HDTV osmosis thing. If you really want to know how to lose belly fat then you need to get your butt off the couch and burn some calories. That fat belly won't get lost by itself so go lose it somewhere.
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